The 2011 UK Galaxy Queens jetted of to Chicago, America in the summer of 2011 to compete in the Galaxy International Pageant and had the time of their lives! 2011 was the tenth anniversary of Galaxy Pageants in the USA! Former international winners were invited to attend and Miss Galaxy 2009, Hayley Mac, joined UK for a week of fun!

Melissa Reeves, Miss Galaxy England, Gabriella Gatehouse, Miss Teen Galaxy England, Sarah Pitt, Miss Galaxy Scotland, Robyn Ferguson, Miss Teen Galaxy Scotland, Jamie-Lee Williams, Miss Galaxy Wales and Victoria Tooby, Miss Teen Galaxy Wales spent a week in Chicago!

They had a fabulous week which included a pyjama pizza party, photoshoots, relaxing by the pool, enjoying the sunshine and, of course, competing in the grand final itself!

Team UK did amazingly and placed in every division! In the Miss Teen competition Victoria Tooby, Miss Teen Galaxy Wales came in the top 8 and Gabriella Gatehouse, Miss Teen Galaxy England, placed 2nd!!

In the Miss category Melissa Reeves, Miss Galaxy England came 2nd runner up and Jamie-Lee Williams took the crown and title home of Miss Galaxy International 2011!!!!!

Jamie-Lee had an amazing year as Miss Galaxy International 2011 and all of the girls did fantastically, making the UK proud!