What made you want to enter the UK Galaxy Pageants?
I used to work at The Christie charity and supported some of the contestants around 6/7 years ago! I attended the final that year and fell in love with everything about Galaxy and knew one day I wanted to be a Galaxy Girl!
What did you do to prepare for the final?
I used the 10 months before Galaxy to make sure I felt the best and most prepared I possibly could, so when got it to the final I knew I couldn’t do any more. I committed to making at least 1 appearance a week in the run up (and I did, making 64 in total). And also, by doing this I knew it could mean I had the best Galaxy experience that I could. I made so many friends before the final and went to some wonderful events! As I had 10 months it also gave me loads of time to make sure I was 100% in love and prepared with my wardrobe. Not like the previous year when I bought my swimsuit 2 days before!
What is the best thing about being a Galaxy Girl?
The friendships and the social side! I had the most sociable and fun year in the run up!!!
Who is your role model and why?
Over lockdown I read Michelle Obamas book ‘Becoming’ and I just loved it. I often use and say one of her famous quotes ‘When they go low, we go high’. I love the fact that she is intelligent and had and has an incredible career of her own. While also being a brilliant mum and wife.
What part of the international Galaxy Pageants in Orlando are you most excited about?
Hopefully the famous stairs photoshoot!!! Got to be optimistic…! But seriously all of it! I can’t wait to do airport photos, to go to the white party, to plan Team UK’s PJ outfits and of course to walk that famous stage.
Tell us your:
Favourite film/tv programme –
I have just started re-watching Sex and The City and it’s as amazing as when I watched it for the fist time 15 years ago! I also love The West Wing and have watched it 4/5 times.
Favourite food –
Favourite song –
Favourite beauty/make-up product –
I love skincare!! It’s hard to pick just one….but right now I’m loving Paula’s Choice, BHA 2%, it’s amazing for anyone with acne prone or congested skin.
Dream holiday destination –
The Maldives!
Do you have any exciting plans/appearances organised for your year as a Galaxy queen?
I had so many, but lockdown really halted me. Now I am going to take some time to re plan and feel blessed I am going to have longer to make sure I can have a really impactful year.
When you aren’t busy being a beauty queen, what do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies?
Skincare ha! I love Skincare! I also have 2 dogs, that I walk every day and I have been a season ticket holder at Manchester City for 21 years.
What advice would you give to girls who are thinking about entering the UK Galaxy Pageants?
Go for it. You won’t regret it! And then enjoy every minute and really throw yourself into it. Get to appearances, make friends and just have an amazing time.